- 12 weeks pre event – Turn in marketing request. Marketing requests that have been successfully received will get a confirmation email. Requests will be filed into our official work order system and assigned to Marketing staff.
- 12-8 weeks pre event - Edits/last minute coordinating. Design and proof. Create marketing campaign (social media, print, digital, etc.)
- 4- 6 weeks out from event - Execute marketing (place sandwich boards, posters, etc.) 4- 6 weeks out from event
- New Events/Activities - Submit 12 weeks before start date to allow for 4-5 weeks of deployed marketing.
- Revised Graphics - Submit 8 weeks before start date to allow for 4-5 weeks of deployed marketing.
- Web & Social Edits - Accepted at any time. Pending magnitude, may take 1-3 days to complete.
- Service Request (simple signage) - Accepted and supported within two weeks.
- Marketing Support
Marketing Department
We are happy to support your program because it supports our troops. We consider it our dedication to the installation mission. Together we have a first hand impact on their lives and that's what makes working here so great!
Timing and communication is everything. We will support you any way we can & we will stay in contact with you throughout the process.
To give you an idea of what is going on behind the scenes, we are generally working on an average of 10-12 projects at a time - some small & some multilayered (like 4th July). We cycle out our marketing on Stewart/Hunter every two weeks so you don't have to worry too much about distribution. The media channels we use when we receive a request are:
- Print (Flyers, Brochures, 11x17, 22x28, 24x36, 27x40 Posters)
- 4x10 Banners (Indoor & Outdoor)
- 25 Sandwich Boards
- 30 Flyer Racks
- Digital Screens across FS/HAAF / 46 Bowling Screens
- Marne Message Emails
- Social Media
- MWR Website
- CIE / Newcomers Briefings
- CPT/1SG & NCO Academy Briefings
- Unit Reintegration
- Community Events (Metro Area)
- AAFES Radio
- Outdoor Message Boards (On Post)
- Off Post Billboards (Metro Area)
- Local Radio (3 vendors with approx. 15 stations)
- Local Magazines / Newspapers (State & Metro Area)
- Behavioral Targeted Digital Media
Please Note: In the event of edits once marketing is deployed, rarely is it just one change. Referencing the media above, it could be upwards of twenty five. People want the information & to enjoy your program, so let's get it right & make it count!
- Timeline of Service
Timeline of Service
This gives you an idea of when to submit a marketing request and what you can expect. The timeline takes into account time to plan, design, approve, produce, and distribute your marketing.
New Events/Activities
- Submit 12 weeks before start date to allow for 4-5 weeks of deployed marketing.
Revised Graphics
- Submit 8 weeks before start date to allow for 4-5 weeks of deployed marketing.
Web & Social Edits
- Accepted at any time. Pending magnitude, may take 1-3 days to complete.
Service Request (simple signage)
- Accepted and supported within two weeks.
Commercial Sponsorship
- Requests submitted annually (April) as part of the annual operating budget process.

Work Orders
For those within MWR please submit work order here. Please note you will have to login with your CAC card to put in the work order.
Everyone else please email Marketing for support.
Sending a work order in in a timely manner help us help your program.
Please submit your work order at least 3 months out. This gives us the ability to include you in the design process and for us to best support you and your programming.
3 months gives Marketing enough time to do the following:
Types of Work Orders:
Work order requests must be made for: signage requests (bandits, banners, sandwich boards, posters, etc.), marketing (promotion of events, programs, etc.), simple printing requests (flyers, documents, booklets, etc.), website edits, custom service requests (welcome home signs, bandits), and miscellaneous requests (name badges, business cards, etc.). Submitting a work order will help us to get all of the information so that we may file it in our system. This helps with accountability, and it helps to give program managers written proof that their work order request was placed.
If you are unable to submit a work order from the website please email the work order to Marketing. |