- We’ve recently streamlined processes, so they’re easier than ever. You can get approved within 60 days.
- Moving your HBB from another installation? If you were approved there, the process is even easier!
- New Army guidance directs installations to “find a way to say yes” to HBB owners – so we’re prepared to make this easy for you.
- Official on-post offerings from AAFES, the Commissary and MWR no longer consider HBBs competition, and you don’t have to gain their approval.
- Operating an HBB from your quarters without approval can violate policy and get you in trouble.
- Benefits of Being a Home Based Business
HBBs allow Families to work from their Army quarters, developing rewarding careers that follow them through PCS moves. The wide span of HBBs operated by Army Families includes:
- Car repair/service
- Hairdressing and hairstyling
- Home baking and meal preparation
- Pet grooming and pet sitting
- Massage therapy
- Retail sales from home
Furthermore, becoming an approved HBB will grant you access certain MWR events such as Marne Palooza and HAAF Trunk or Treat.
- Shop Local - Current Home Based Businesses
Shop local and support our community!
- Jewelry, nail color & more
- Contact via phone
- Baked goodies
- Contact via phone
- Structured workouts with strollers
- Contact via phone
- Arts and crafts, quilting
- Contact via phone
- One of a kind glass jewelry
- Contact via phone
- Crochet, apparel, mugs and more
- Contact via phone
- Gourmet cupcakes and brownies
- Contact via phone
Gina's Sourdough Bakery (Fort Stewart)
- Baked goods
- Contact via phone
Sow Mustard Seeds (HAAF)
- Apparel
- Contact via phone
- Application Process
Step 1: Download HHB application and Policy Letter 11.
Step 2: Complete the Application.
- Complete and sign Section One of the application.
- Sign the Forbidden Solicitation Practices Memorandum.
- Obtain proof of liability insurance.
- Collect additional documentation (such as but not limited too: licensing, certifications, menus, list of ingredients, price list, proof of authorized agent (affiliation ID number), and photos of retail items) are also required. *Please note that Liberty & Chatham Counties do not issue business licenses to on-post residents. State licensing is still required.
Step 3: Turn in the Application.
- Once you've completed your paperwork, you're ready to submit your packet.
- Email us your:
Forbidden solicitation practices
Memorandum liability insurance
Any other supporting documentation
- Don't forget to keep a copy of your completed packet for your own records.
Step 4: Installation Approval Authority.
- DFMWR coordinates concurrences with Installation partners
- Upon concurrence of all partners, DFMWR submits to JAG for a legal review
- When application packet is found legally sufficient, DFMWR will process application packet for Garrison
- Commander's approval.
- Once approved, the small business owner will receive an approval letter.
- Installation coordination and approval process may take up to 60 days.
Step 5: Small Business Owners' Responsibility.
- Renew approval every three years.
- Maintain application packet and approval letter.
- Abide by all state and federal laws.
- Abide by AR 210-7
- Abide by all local guidance, policies, and procedures.
- Policy Letter

If you operate a business out of your home on post, and have not yet started the process, now is the time to get official!
Home Based Businesses (HBBs) are an important contributor to Army Family quality of life – new changes to procedures makes it easier and quicker gain approval to operate an on-post HBB.
Get approved now!